SamanthaSham.com is an East Coast based blog, battling all bullshit, but especially corporate bullshit and murderous medicine.

My name is Samantha Sham.
I am a novelist and storyteller.
Starting in the 1970s, physicians in the U.S. decided that Americans deserved better. No longer was a baffled orthopod zombie, dreaming of bones and saws, forced to work a random weekend, hoping the nurses “got this” so he can get a nap. Board Certified Emergency Physicians began to fill positions everywhere, bringing top-of-the-line specialized expertise to the setting of undifferentiated, what the hell is going on, moments in medicine. Then the market said no. Americans do NOT deserve better. Not with those profit margins. Not at that price. Profits have been valued over patients ever since and private equity is the current pancreatic cancer of the malignant world of corporate heathcare–the worst of the worst.






SamanthaSham.com is an East Coast based blog, battling all bullshit, but especially corporate bullshit and murderous medicine.
Sick and tired of bullshit and greed? I sure am. I’m Samantha Sham. I hate fraud, bullshit, cons, flimflams, robbing the poor to pay private equity and so on. Most of the bullshit I will highlight will be from healthcare. Profits over Patients and similar such evil.

The Hippocratic Oath has been replaced by the Corporatic Oath.

Without our consent and before our very eyes.
Samantha Sham